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Wireless Transreceiver

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Wireless Transreceiver belongs to the family of series 550 and effectively integrate ethernet, serial modbus devices to IP management system via EDGE or GPRS network. It is mobile operator independent system & is a powerful reliable tool for communication of modbus based field mounted Instruments. Many industrial devices like PLC, I/O, and Data Loggers etc. support RS485 modbus protocol. 550GP can integrate unlimited number of serial devices to IP Network. Wireless Transreceiver(GPRS)-550GP provide flexible solution for industrial application for monitoring & control of process parameters. 550GP is designed to operate in harsh environment and its enclosure is of aluminum alloy & suitable for weather proof, explosion proof & dust proof applications. This consists of ethernet port, serial port along with SIM Card holder. Being a standalone device, this plug & play solution is easy to install in a short time.

Brand Name : Wireless Transreceiver (GPRS)-550GP


Wireless Transreceiver is equipped with GPRS/EDGE enabled GSM SIM card
Digital data transmitter receives analog/digital signal from process Instrument, convert to digital data and communicate to serial-port of 550GP through internet & pushes the data to the server
Broadband internet connectivity is required at server side.
In case of mal-functioning, communication is re-established automatically.
End to end security is achieved by using private server which provides virtual private network (VPN).
Wireless Transreceiver has got firewall and VPN for secure communication.
Internet service provider (ISP) independent static IP address for private server is more secure.
Housing of 550GP, Digital Data Transmitter & Remote Antenna is weather proof IP66 & explosion proof certified for Group IIA & IIB.
Remote antenna can be provided in locations where network is weak.
Communication from analog digital Transmitter to Transreceiver can be done by RS232 OR RS485 cable.


Measures various process parameters like

pressure & flow etc

Electrical parameters like

Power Factor KVA & KVAH
Operate control valve
Solenoid valve etc. from specially designed SCADA software. The analog data from process Instrument is converted to digital data which is connected to serial-port of wireless transreceiver (GPRS) – 550GP

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